
Let us come and reason together and see what Jesus Christ has in store.

The Tale of Ed

Let us begin a tale about a place called Ed.  We use the name "Ed" because it will stave off any inquiries as to if the place is really real or if it exists today.

In the beginning the Place called Ed was built by a few men who came together with a common ideal.  They pondered the ideal until it became a vision. As the vision grew they would come together to discuss the "ins" and "outs" of the reality of Ed.

Then one day they came together in staunch determination to make Ed a reality. There was a landowner who had a vast number of untouched acres. Ed would begin small but the men knew in their hearts it would grow and grow mighty. So they came together to meet with the landowner. After some discussion about the integrity of Ed and the purpose that Ed would hold especially in the future, the landowner and the men drew up a contract.

Anyone that desired to be a part of Ed was included in the contract, because the landowner only leased the land. So to live in Ed, everyone was involved in keeping the contract. Ed held the promise of great wealth and power but only because the landowner had great armies to protect Ed. This was all a part of the contract. Those who lived in Ed were to be upright citizens with integrity and honor, otherwise the landowner wanted no part of the ideal. Those who were not interested in keeping the contract were offered boat fare and the rest of the world for their pilgrimage. This was all part of the contract.

 The men excitedly agreed and put pen to paper to sign the contract. The landowner did likewise. In doing so Ed became a reality. But the landowner warned the men not to let the vision die. "Make sure your children and their children catch the vision because it they don't Ed will be no more. I will come to reclaim the land because I am the owner of it."

The men nodded understanding the warning. They took the warning to heart and wrote a document of rules to live by for Ed. All who lived in Ed were taught the rules and all agreed that it was right. Ed grew and prospered.

The  landowner watched over Ed from His High Mountain Home. His armies protected Ed. His couriers brought provisions when Ed was running short.  Ed was a good place to live.

Generations went by. Little by little the values of Ed began to fall.  The children's children didn't think of the landowner.  They believed Ed was theirs to do with as they pleased, to act as they pleased and to squander the wealth as they pleased.

But as the days went on, a new generation began to give Ed and the land on which Ed was built to those outside of the contract.  The landowner sent notice to that generation but no one knew him nor his signature. With the vision of Ed all but destroyed, the landowner took out his contract with the original men and began to ponder.

In the beginning, Ed shown brightly as a star, as a beacon, but now the light was all but extinguished.  The landowner became angry at that generation because He watched them from his mountain take the rules to live by for Ed and put them through a shredder. They laughed as they sold Ed for what they thought was power and gain.

The landowner rose from his mountain, raised his staff and called forth his army.  Captain of his Army, as he is called, mounted his steed and swiftly flew across the plains of Ed to the City of the Generation.

Barred from the City, the landowner was rebuked for his entry. All remembrance of him had been erased by men. But the landowner's army was mighty.

In the Day of reckoning Ed still stood battered, beaten and tried. That generation was expelled by the landowner because of the deed which he held.  All rights were his as the interlopers were evicted.

There in the Land of Ed is still a handful of men who have integrity.  The landowner called these men to him and once again a contract was made. "Do not let the vision falter," he warned them once again. The men agreed and drew up a new document to pass to their children's children.

"This time I will walk the Land of Ed," said the landowner. "Your children will know me and know this is my land. They will honor the contract and I will honor the Place called Ed."

Matt. 21:33-40

Jill K Williams

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