
Let us come and reason together and see what Jesus Christ has in store.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

If only we could stop hating each other.....

I just watched an old 7th Heaven rerun. It ended with the words, "If only we could stop hating each other." The words echo in my heart. The violence we face each day brings a hardness to our spirits. We become callous to the constant reports of death, destruction & hatred.

But we are the Church.

We are to love even and especially the unlovable.  We are called to love. Not the love that this world refers to as love but the love of our Father. That love calls us up to a higher place. It calls us to be different...To be that shining light that we are called to be. Our prayers are shallow and powerless without the love of Christ. Love is not that gooshy feeling we hear of, but it is a commitment to do good, to do what is right no matter how hard...to not be selfish and put another first..

When will we as the Body of Christ learn to love as Jesus loves and gave His life for us? When will the lines of division called denominationalism, amongst others, be erased? Those lines keep us powerless because they breed contempt. One body. One baptism. One Spirit. One head which is Jesus Christ.

How often do we grieve the Holy Spirit with our justifications. We seek revival. We seek His blessing as a nation yet we will not repent of our stubbornness and pride.  Monday a horrible event took place in Boston. It was a crime of hate. The media has sought to place a blame. Hollywood wants to redefine the constitution. (Interesting because they have promoted more violence than anyone.) But most of us have given our condolences to Boston, said a prayer and are about our daily duties.

  1Jo 4:19 We love him, because he first loved us.

The one fact I do know. Jesus is coming. He will come to each one of us sometime in our lives. Whether it is when we close our eyes in death or when the skies split open with His glory, we will see Him. Our resolve to live holy before Him, set apart from the ways of the world to bring glory to His name should be first and foremost.   He died for us, shouldn't we live for Him?

When will we stop hating each other?

There is one simple prayer that will change your life. If you pray it from your heart and sincerely desire His presence, you will never be the same.

Jesus forgive me of my sin. Come into my heart and make me new. Be my Lord and Savior. Thank You Jesus. Amen. 

Now I ask for each one who prays that prayer for the Holy Spirit to fill you to full to overflowing that you will never be the same and you will find a new and awesome life lead by Jesus Christ.

 1Jo 4:7  Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.